Thank you to everyone who has joined our closed alpha tests and to all of our amazing Patrons supporting Main Street's game development progress on Patreon!
We've had a busy past month but are moving back on track with our schedule as we prepare to pump out exciting new content this August!
After the introduction of the Cafe and Leaderboard, we've focused this month on bug fixes, content expansion, and putting in place the skeleton for a functional inventory system. We also added a few new exciting decorations and wall colors for our shop decorators! :)
We are super hyped for August's content updates. We plan to get the inventory system bug tested and fully live for all of you to play test and give feedback on because it is our next step toward a HUGE and EXCITING update that River and I have wanted to add to the game for a long time now.
We've been sharing lots of teasers of the upcoming feature on our private Patron Discord channels and can't wait to share it with you all in the future alpha tests. We are not sure how much time it will take to implement, so keep an eye on our Twitter accounts @Sonics_Art and @RiverForgeGames for updates on when the alpha tests will take place this month!
Thank you so much for all of your patience and support on our game; we had a couple of personal life events happen that set us back on progress this past month, but we can't wait to get back on track and move forward with our update schedule.
We can't wait to hear your thoughts on our upcoming updates! :)
