Today we had a huge alpha test! River and I were working nonstop these past two weeks and packing a ton of content into the game as we tried to get it ready!
In fact, we probably overdid it a little bit and created TOO much work for ourselves, since we ended up working on implementation up until the moment the server went up to play on! So I think we're going to dial it back and do updates that aren't as giant but still have crucial content in the coming weeks!
Regardless, we had a super fun test with an amazing turnout (up to 10 people playing at once) and we did get all of the content in that we wanted for this test! Thank you to everyone who applied and was accepted for a chance to come play, and we really appreciate of the encouragement and feedback!
Here are some of the new features we added:
We made brand new brick wall colors so you can now change the outside appearance of your shop! Here is an example of a shop with blue brick walls:
As you can see, we also introduced new wood flooring colors. These are all of the new colors we included:
The flooring can also be tiled individually, leading to some very neat floor combinations as you can see below:
And we added gatherables! The screenshot below shows just a few of our new flowers, flower bushes, and fruit trees! We also have berry bushes that will be shown in the next image!
This is a comprehensive photo showing all of the new bush and tree fruit pickables!
Thanks again to everyone who joined! We take all player feedback very seriously and are looking for more ways to expand the fun and longevity of the game! We have a lot of plans for this game to grow so we hope you will support us as we continue this journey! :)
- Sonic -
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Check out the Tutorial for Main Street here: