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Inside Vylocity #3: Catching Up

Writer's picture: River ForgeRiver Forge

Hello and welcome to another release of Inside Vylocity.

This series of blog posts focuses primarily on development of games using the Vylocity game engine which is currently in early access.

It's been quite a few months since I've been able to do one of these, so we've got a lot of catching up to do! The following will be highlights from the past 6 months, which I wouldn't have without Index who searched through lots of posts in the Vylocity discord to collect them for me! 😲


Vylocity Game Engine

- Added Twitter login for Vylocity games

- Can now import sprite sheets in the icon editor

- New code style customizations for the IDE

- Lots of IDE and game performance optimizations

For a more complete list of updates, check out this Discord post.


Verdict, by RoomyRooms

Roomy has made history, releasing Verdict as the first game made with Vylocity to be made available on Steam.

Verdict is an online role playing game with a focus on writing, character, and world building.


Land of Fire, by Arkise

Arkise has been continuing development for Land of Fire, which is a 2D action focused mmorpg that has not yet been released.

In this image, you can see some work they've been doing with their lighting system and filters. They've got a good system going, and I'm told it performs very well!

This level of polish is super exciting to see, and I definitely know who to talk to when I'm ready to add filters into Main Street! 🤔


Spectreborne, by Konlet and Team

Another released game, Spectreborne, was made for the Lospec Jam 1 game jam in two weeks and released on

It presents as a point and click narrative adventure, and has lots of interesting imagery.


Untitled Project, by Phailak

Phailak has been working on a new project with a unique combat system using assets from OpenGameArt.

It appears to be turn based like an old school RPG, but with two NPC opponents automatically fighting each other.


Sharkbate, by Cratial and Active

Cratial has been working with Active to update Sharkbait to be a fully featured mobile game!

It's coming along quite nicely, and here you can see lots of visual effects including filters, and some nice smooth UI updates.


Untitled Project, by Active

Active has also been working on lots of libraries and technical demos with the Vylocity engine.

Here, we can see a really exciting demonstration for a lighting system they made.


Phantom of the Future, by Phat

Phat has been continuing to work on an updated version of Phantom of the Future, a project that was originally made using the BYOND game engine.

I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but it is just oozing with polish! Can't wait for this one to be further along.


Fues Foes, by Veek

Originally titled Feval, Veek is reviving this online competitive game where you played as a squirrel that threw explosive acorns with new characters and mechanics.

You can get more information on Fues Foes here.


Main Street, by River Forge Games

Sonic and I have been hard at work for over half a year on a major content update for Main Street!

You can read the patch notes for the update here, as it has finally come out!

In summary though, there's a brand new map with over 40 player shops, there are now NPC vendors that buy and sell items, shop decorations, etc., and building is done from your inventory now!

All that together makes for a solid update that makes it feel more than ever like an immersive experience.


If you're interested in these projects and/or want to learn more about Vylocity, you can check out my introductory blog post on it here.



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